
Owners Beth Baugher and Leslie Callan are residents of the best Midtown Sacramento studio, (in our humble opinion)! Sarah Beth is our favorite Event Gal, and our crew of other local talents we work with are all amazing folks with big hearts, great eyes, and strong work ethics.

With a combination of 40-mumble-years of experience as professional photographers, we stumbled upon commercial and branding photography over the pandemic as a pivot. Turns out, we loved it!

We believe in living life to the fullest, entrepreneurship, loving your job, not sweating the small stuff, and making magic.

We are here to help you grow your personal and professional brand, and look great doing it. Let’s level up those badass skills. Let us Upgrade You!

Black and white photo of a bride in a wedding dress laughing with a photographer holding a camera and a man in a dress shirt and pants.
Black-and-white image of a woman holding a camera, standing in a room with tables and people in the background.
Person wearing a mask holding a camera
Photography studio setup with lighting equipment, black backdrop, stools, and sheer curtains.